Holy Mother Cluckers- the Kickin' Chicks won!!!!

>> Monday, April 21, 2008

It has been said that best friends are the ones that stick by your side through the good and bad, thick and thin, rich and poor, etc. I think that I can say that I have been truly blessed to be able to find my "soul sister" (and brother) in Karen and Sam. We have been through just about everything and I'm not exagerating one bit. Tears and laughter blended together for a relationship that is bonded in love no matter the miles between us. This post is truly dedicated to the ones I love and the ones that I'm so extremly proud of. Karen and Sam entered the first Annual KidsPeace Charity Chicken Wing contest. They are known as the "Kickin' Chicks" and one of their competition booths were known as the "Mother Cluckers" (thats such a hilarious name!) After weeks of preparation and sleepless nights the Kickin' Chicks got ready to compete in their first ever food contest. Imagine this: 40 pounds of chicken, a secret rub, deep fried in a turkey fryer, then doused in a chipolte seasoning sauce. Sore finger tips from cutting chilli's, homemade cactus from a PVC pipe, and getting up at 5am. Lots of hard work and there was never any doubt in my mind that they would go home winners. Not only did they win, but they recieved two, YES TWO 1ST PLACE plaques for winning! They won the best booth design and also the Peoples Choice best wing. I am overwhelmed with pride for my BFF and want to publicly let them both know how much I care for them, love them and am so excited for their awesome acheivement! Since they didn't save me any wings (we will talk about that later-ha) I am saving the date on my calendar for next year so I can be sure to be there as they defend their title. Way to go guys and I hope you can share your recipe!!!!

Karen on the left with one of her team members

Sam "The Rooster" during the cook off
Awards! So proud of you guys! Yeah!


Karen April 22, 2008 at 5:39 AM  

Thank you BFF! Even though you were not here physically, you were with us in spirit, definitely!! We love you too and can't wait to see you!!

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