American Idol- Top 5

>> Wednesday, April 30, 2008

american idol

Neil Diamond- Who thought that the Vegas "Old Lady's man" would be on american idol. Shesh...but I guess he has a new record coming out and is trying to promote it. So how did the top 5 do according to me....

Jason- Round one:I have already emphasized how great I think Jason is. I'm not a big fan of the song he sang, but I thought he made it his own style and that made me like it. He stuck to his goofy interview and same beach bon fire attire. He gets my favorite vote tonight. Any surprise? Round two:I even liked his second song choice. I think its too bad that he is held down by being made to choose a song from the theme night. I think that has hurt him (especially since he has to sing Neil Diamond)
David C.- Round one: Finally back to his genre'. He does so much better at this rocker style than the theatre stuff. Although, I didn't care for it. Maybe its Neil Diamond's songs that I don't like. Round two:Oh....I really liked his second song choice and the way he worked it out. Especially the drum solo before the chorus. I'm a sucker for drums. Good job David. I'm pulling for you too!
Brooke- Round one: Where is Shrek? Ok...maybe too many cartoons for me lately. But what was up with her fake leather, sparkly silver pants and blue shirt? I'm not too into fashion, but wouldn't this be in a tabliod with the heading of "what not to wear"? I like brooke, but feel that she was really trying to push the envelope on this one. Round two: My Brooke is back! I really think she did great one the piano and the vocals. Yeah for Brooke! Heres hoping your not in the bottom 3 tonight.
David A.-Round one: Good greif! Can you beleive that Neil said he was a prodigy? He does sing good, but goodness....I guess to me he did ok. Just "Al'ight for me dawg" Round two: UGH! I absolutely hate this song. I don't hate too many songs, but this is one of the tops on my short list. Like I have said over and over again, he is a great singer, but I do not like him and for all of you reading this....don't vote for David A.
Syeisha- Round one- slow songs really suit Syeisha. She looked really pretty tonight and she rocked on the high long notes of the song. She did good tonight. I have never heard this song before but liked the words "Hello my friend, I know its late, but I couldn't wait to say hello" Round two: Whats w/ the bare feet? Hm....I was expecting the other two "Supremes" to come out behind her. It really sounded Mo-town to me. I agree with Randy in that it sounded very broadway.

Who's going home? My prediction is Syeisha!


Leah April 30, 2008 at 7:53 AM  

Totally agree with everything you said here...I think the bottom three will be Brook, Syesha, and Jason. I think they will send Jason back to the couch safe and it will come down to Brook or Syesha. Unfortunately, I think Syesha will go home. I say unfortunately because her voice sounded better than Brook's last night but I believe Brook has a stronger fan base.

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