New Post (Secret)

>> Monday, September 8, 2008

I received an invitation to go to a lecture on Postsecret and I'm super geeked! Have you ever heard of it? I just wanted to share incase you haven't because in my mind and a whole lot of others, its the coolest thing since Everything Bagels. Basically, Postsecret is where someone makes a postcard with their secret on it and anonymously mails it to an address in Maryland (see above address). The address belongs to Frank Warren who runs a blog and every Sunday he posts close to 20 postcards for the world to see. He has also published several books with the postcards. Its AMAZING! Someone once said that true art can sometimes be disturbing. This holds true as some of the cards are sad and a little scary, while some of funny and others make you want to cry they are so simple and beautiful. Thank you Sarah for another addiction (like I don't have enough)!
Some postsecrets to share:

This is why I love Target soooo much!


Olson Family September 9, 2008 at 12:12 PM  

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Target too, infact I often get myself in trouble with the amount of money I spend there, but I don't think they have ever skipped an item for me. I am shopping at the wrong one.

Leah September 10, 2008 at 8:53 PM  

What a cool blog!! Now I am probably going to be addicted to it.

Thanks T.

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