What DOESN'T work for me Wednesday

>> Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A few errands turned into a whole afternoon episode. No naps, icee sugar highs and no dvd was good enough to watch. "Keep your hands to yourself" said over and over again. We start driving, I'm trying to calm a toddler and miss my on ramp to the highway- ugh! Finally on our way home to then come to a complete stop on the highway for about an hour. I tried to snap a pic of the backup but the pic doesn't even come close to the jam we were in. What happened on US23 this afternoon can be found here: http://www.monroenews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080806/BREAKINGNEWS/812768297 I get home and the garage door isn't working (and do I keep my house keys on my ring....no) so thankfully the patio door was open. Get in the house and we have no power. Two toddlers and one mommy.....no energy and no power.

I do not recommend this afternoon.


Karen August 7, 2008 at 3:54 AM  

OMG! Lucky you were not involved in the accident part. I know it must have been miserable to be stuck like that. Glad everyone is okay though! Luv ya!

Justine August 7, 2008 at 8:47 AM  

Man, I hate days like that. Glad it's over!

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