What Works for me Wednesday!

>> Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer time is such a great time to be outside with your little ones. The boys love nothing more than getting outdoors, getting dirty and sweaty and playing hard. Though finding activites to keep them busy is somewhat difficult. I recently bought the book "The Kids Nature Book" by Susan Milford that has activites to do with your children that promotes nature and learning. I found this neat idea and after nap we made up some binoculars and went exploring. Really easy and lots of fun for my little explorers!
toilet paper rolls (without the toilet paper-ha)
Duct tape
hole punchers
any other craft items you have on hand

Directions: Take two toilet paper rolls and duct tape them together to form binoculars. Punch a hole in each side and tie the yarn on. Then let the kids decorate them with anything they want.

THEN~get outside and get exploring. We looked for bugs, examined flowers, checked out our dead grass (MI needs rain) and took a look down the sewer drain. Fun stuff!

An old Apache storyteller reminds us:“The plants, rocks, fire, water, all are alive. They watch us and see our needs. They see when we have nothing to protect us, and it is then that they reveal themselves and speak to us."


Emily August 1, 2008 at 7:10 PM  


I have the book you listed below and it is a good one! I think I got it off of amazon for less than 12 bucks, not too bad!

Leah August 1, 2008 at 8:45 PM  

You have an award waiting for you over at goddessinthehouse.blogspot.com ;)

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