What Works for me Wednesday!
>> Wednesday, July 30, 2008
toilet paper rolls (without the toilet paper-ha)
Duct tape
hole punchers
any other craft items you have on hand
Dough after color was added
Once chilled, roll into little balls like this, then roll this into a bigger ball
Ready for the oven
Yummy sucess ready to be gobbled up!
Thats right....only 102 days left till the greatest day of the year. Better than birthdays, better than anniversaries, and yes....in my book...better than Christmas. Halloween is my utmost favorite time of year. I get giddy just thinking about the smell of the fall air musty with dried spices. Kicking leaves, pumpkins, apples and the list can go on and on forever.
It is now the time of year that I begin deciding on what costume I will make the boys. I have made it a tradition or personal feat to hand sew the boys costumes (at least till they don't want me to do it anymore). The minute the boys have received their last treat on Halloween, I'm already thinking on what they will be next year. I'm plain addicted! So- here I am, planning away. I am keeping the costumes a surprise but before I start sewing their costumes, here is a little peek at what I will be making first. Happy haunting ( everyone, everyday!)
A little blast from the past:
Jonas the Dino
Zaiden the Bear and Jonas the Elephant
My Patriots!
I have been in love with Jack Black since...oh.....ever! What I wouldn't give to hang out with him for an afternoon. I really don't know if my stomach muscles (or lack of them) would survive the laughing! I think I first saw him in "School of Rock" and laughed my patootie off. He is soo hilarious. I simply love his humor and love watching him. Every movie he makes, makes me laugh till my belly hurts (even that weird one where he was a monk- still funny!) So, again I was not disapointed when I saw "Be Kind, Rewind" this weekend. Hubby smirked a few times while telling me to hush, while I on the other hand had my hand over my mouth trying hard to mute my laughter as to not wake up the slumbering boys. I won't go into detail of the movie so I don't ruin it for you, but you MUST see this movie (as long as you are a comedy fan and love to laugh and are old enough to remember Ghost Busters!!) I love you Jack Black and thanks for making me laugh so hard that I almost peed my pants. Its been a while!
On any given afternoon, this is what you will see at the end of the driveway. Add in a ride on 4-wheeler, a race car, a doll stroller, more bike helmets, sidewalk chalk strewn about everywhere, and half eaten popsicles melted and leaking onto the cement. Oh the joys of summer time!!
Read more...My neighbor and her sweet daughter joined us blueberry picking at Erie Orchards. What a "thrill"! Bug bites and hot sun but the sweet joy of popping the bluest of blue, fresh picked, juicy blueberry in your mouth was worth every minute. I rushed home and made some of the yummiest blueberry buckle ever. Its so wonderful with fresh picked blueberries.
Blueberries as big as the end of your thumb,
Real sky-blue, and heavy, and ready to drum
My Garden
Read more...You guys all say I'm a yankee so I took a test and and the survey says......
34% (Yankee). A definitive Yankee.
Pop is Pop and Tp'ing was the best thing to do on a friday night when I was a teen. Take the test to see how "Yankee or Dixie" you are. Its pretty entertaining!
click here for the test: http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/intelligencerreport/yankee_dixie_quiz.html
Then its bed time after a bath time scrub!
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